By Gerald Doolittle
June 20, 2024
By: Gerald Doolittle Johnston, S.C . – The Wardlaw Academy campus will start taking on a new look during the 2024-25 school year which will be year number 55 since the school opened in 1970. The Advance Wardlaw Fundraising Campaign has started where upgrades to academic and athletic facilities will be made. The projected cost for this campaign will be around $550,000. Upgrades to Student Technology is on the list. Integrating technology into the curriculum provides opportunities for collaborative and self-directed learning activities that would not otherwise be possible. Technology is ever-changing so to ensure students and teachers have access to the most updated technology devices and tools, funds are needed to purchase new laptops, projection boards for classrooms and printing equipment for student assignments and projects. New metal awnings will be installed to the lower school building, over upper school sidewalks to portable classrooms, and at the school entrances. The benefits will be evident for students, staff, parents and visitors to the school. The football field will have a projected new look with upgrades to the Terrell Miller press box which is over 20 years old. Also, the bleachers on the home side will be upgraded to address safety concerns. The school gym floor is a multi-use space for school athletic events, assemblies and academic ceremonies. The new gym floor will improve the look for the space for hosting these events. A new gym floor will be an improvement for our student athletes and visiting athletic teams. The special project of paving the gym parking lot and upper student parking lot has many benefits for the Wardlaw campus. This will provide safe and clean parking spots for school days and events, improved traffic patterns around the campus, and improved drainage in parking lots. As Wardlaw continues to grow, the need for paving will allow for more parking spaces as well as improved carline access. The new weight room and field house will include a new structure specifically designed for all athletic programs at Wardlaw. The new facility will provide space for indoor workouts and practices, state-of-the-art meeting spaces for athletic teams with seating, lighting, and projection technology, and dedicated weight equipment and space for all athletes. Wardlaw Academy has seen three generations of students since 1970 benefit from the present facilities. With the projected upgrades Wardlaw Academy hopes to serve at least three more generations the next 55 years.