Brian Smith Named Head Coach Of North South 2025 All-Star Football game,
Two Sport Star Cameron Austin Commits To The USC Aike Baseball Program
From Staff Reports
Barnwell—The High School Sports Report would like to congratulate Barnwell High head football coach Brian Smith for being selected by the South Carolina Athletic Coaches Association to be the head South coach in the annual North-South all-star game to be held once again at Doug Shaw Memorial Stadium in Myrtle Beach next December.
Coach Smith has been a successful head football coach in numerous programs since the early 1990’s, but his accomplishments the past two years in the football program at Barnwell have been quite remarkable. He helps lead the 2024 football team to the state AA finals this past season when the Warhorses finished 13-2.
The HSSR would also like to salute two-sport football and baseball star Cameron Austin for his recent commitment to the baseball program at USC Aiken. Austin earned all-region honors as an 8th grader in the baseball program batting .381. Some have compared his swing from the left side as a Freddie Freeman type cut. Austin is also a pitcher, but he has earned gold glove status for his outstanding play in center field.
On the gridiron Austin has established new all-time passing records for the Barnwell football program and he is to be admired for playing the entire 2024 football season with a heavily swollen ankle but he never complained and put the team ahead of the pain he was surely feeling.
We salute both Coach Brian Smith and Cameron Austin for jobs well done.
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